Custom mandates

Whether you belong to a prevention mutual or not, the acciSST Group can provide customized mandates that are perfectly adapted to the specific needs of your business. Regardless of the service you choose, our advisors will find out what’s right for you in terms of workplace health and safety.

ACCIsst Trainer doing a custom presentationWhen an employer requests a customized mandate, our advisors examine the business needs with them and determine what services will be useful. It may only be prevention management, injury management or even specific training – you determine what services you want.
Our custom mandates are especially for businesses needing periodic advice and support for specific situations. We will put our expertise at your disposal! Pricing is calculated based on your requests and the quotes are free with no obligation.

Do you need CNESST advice or information?

Our workplace health and safety can answer your questions.

Contact an accisst expert